
Wednesday, 6 May 2020

German Doctors Worked with Dogs Figuring out Information...

German doctors in the year of 1922, worked with domestic dogs in figuring out more about Diabetes Mellitus. They would take out a small gland located directly under the stomach called the pancreas. After they took this gland out, all of the dogs experienced all of the diabetic symptoms. They died shortly after. Many dog shelters and labs would have all of them pee in the corners of the labs. On summer days they would leave the windows open causing insects like ants to come in. Since they are attracted to sugar many of them were clustered around the dogs urine in the lab. Even Though this was an accidental discovery, diabetes was now tested through the urine, and since the doctors removed the pancreas of the dogs and their pee was very†¦show more content†¦They hadn’t extracted it yet, but insulin was discovered. Type 1 diabetes is when your pancreas stops working and you have to take a hormone manually called insulin. Insulin is the hormone in your pancreas that it creates, this lowers your blood sugar. For a person that doesnt have diabetes your pancreas automatically pumps insulin into your blood vessels this lowers the blood glucose in your blood. Food that you consume breaks down into sugar, after eating a meal, your pancreas shoots insulin out to regulate these sugars but it doesnt allow it to go to low. After this, the sugars transfer to a organ that converts it into energy, something no one could go without. Once your pancreas stops working you have to count your carbs and insulin to make sure your sugar doesnt go to high, or too low. Nobody knows where Type one diabetes comes from. There have been studies about how people get it but there is no known source to it. Even today people have different symptoms and might have different causes for Type one diabetes. Only 5% of the people today that have diabetes have type one. After billions of dollars, amazing innovation, and sponsors for diabetes walks, endocrinologist havent figured out a cure or a cause. Even though diabetes is a very complicated and stressful disease, there are ways you can control it and make it seem like you never had it. Checking your sugar is the number one thing

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